Top 15 Worst Movie Quotes of All Time

  1. “I’ll never let go Jack, I’ll never let go.” (Titanic) – Minutes later she lets him drop into the bottom of the ocean. 
  2. “I’m sorry, Wilson! Wilson, I’m sorry!” (Castaway) – The volleyball accepts your apology.
  3. “I hate to disappoint you, but rubber lips are immune to your charms.” – One of the many cheesy lines from the movie Batman & Robin, not to mention, it was downright weird when he pulled them off.
  4. “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick a*s.” — Those two totally go hand-in-hand (They Live).
  5. “Do you enjoy pain? Pain don’t hurt.” (Road House) – Oxymoron?
  6. “Let’s kick some ice.” — #2 from Batman & Robin!
  7. “Are you a Mexican or a Mexi-can’t?” (Once Upon a Time in Mexico) – Is there a third option?
  8. “Do you know what happens to a toad when it gets struck by lightning? Same thing that happens to everything else.” – Intense moments should not be dialogued by obvious statements (X-Men).
  9. “Is it still raining? I hadn’t noticed.” (Four Weddings and  Funeral) — It’s those little wet things falling from the sky. And why yes, it is indeed.
  10. “You’re a godsend, a saviour.” “No, I’m just the postman.” (The Postman) – We really should all appreciate our mailmen more.  
  11. “It’s a pressure valve. It won’t open unless there’s tremendous pressure.”(Poseidon)  Ding!  
  12. “I said, put the bunny back in the box …” (Con Air) – The bunny doesn’t like being outside of the box.
  13. “It’s like looking in a mirror. Only not.” (Face/Off) — But it is. Kind of. But not really.
  14. “…they may take our lives, but they’ll never take — our FREEDOM!”(Braveheart) — Ooo, yeah, umm …actually …
  15. “Stop eating my sesame cake…Stop eating my sesame cake!” (Congo) — Dammit, stop eating his sesame cake!!
What’s your favorite worst movie line ever?


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